CDE Detailed Report
Disease: cookie-policy
Sub-Domain: Additional Proposed Instruments

79 results.
CDE ID CDE Name Variable Name Definition Short Description Additional Notes (Question Text) Permissible Values Description Data Type Disease Specific Instructions Disease Specific Reference Population Classification (e.g., Core) Version Number Version Date CRF Name (CRF Module / Guideline) Sub Domain Name Domain Name Size Input Restrictions Min Value Max Value Measurement Type Source Form Set Form Field Domain CDASH Variable CDASH Definition CDASH Label Controlled Terminology Prompt Essentiality Question Text CDASH imp guidance SDTM IG target csDSR PhenX Data Type CRF Completion Inst SDTMIG Target Var SDTMIG Target Map Codelist Name PVs Pre Pop Value Query Display List Style
C59318 Care via health plan last 6 month indicate code CareViaHlthPlanLst6MoIndCode Code indicating whether care was sought through the subject/participant's health plan in the last 6 months Code indicating whether care was sought through the subject/participant's health plan in the last 6 months In the last 6 months, did you try to get any kind of care, tests, or treatment for your child through his or her health plan? 1;2;1;2 Yes;No;Yes;No Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-04-01 10:28:51.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children 23
C59350 Respondent receive help complete questionnaire indicate code RespRcvHlpCmpltQaireIndCode Code indicating whether the respondent received assistance in completing the questionnaire. Code indicating whether the respondent received assistance in completing the questionnaire. Did someone help you complete this survey? 1;2;1;2 Yes;No;Yes;No Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Adult;Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-04-01 13:50:03.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children 40
C59276 Child enroll school daycare indicate code ChildEnrolSchlDycrIndCode Code indicating whether the child is currently enrolled in school or daycare. Code indicating whether the child is currently enrolled in school or daycare. is your child now enrolled in any kind of school or daycare? 1;2;1;2 Yes;No;Yes;No Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-03-28 15:40:46.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children CC5
C59293 Receive help obtain counseling child last 6 month indicate code RcvHpObtCounslChLst6MoIndCode Code indicating whether help obtaining counseling or treatment for emotional, developmental, or behavioral problems for the child was received in the last 6 months Code indicating whether help obtaining counseling or treatment for emotional, developmental, or behavioral problems for the child was received in the last 6 months Did anyone from your child's health plan, doctor's office, or clinic help you get this treatment or counseling for your child? 1;2;1;2 Yes;No;Yes;No Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-03-29 09:26:29.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children CC16
C59329 Prescription medication need use indicate code PrscrpMdNeedUseIndCode Code indicating whether the subject/participant needs or uses prescription medications other than vitamins Code indicating whether the subject/participant needs or uses prescription medications other than vitamins Does your child currently need or use medicine prescribed by a doctor (other than vitamins)? 1;2;1;2 Yes;No;Yes;No Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-04-01 11:46:19.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children CC25
C59308 Child personal physician spend enough time with child last 6 month frequency scale ChPslPhySpEnTmWChLst6MoFrqScl Scale for the frequency over the past 6 months that the child's personal physician spent enough time with the child Scale for the frequency over the past 6 months that the child's personal physician spent enough time with the child In the last 6 months, how often did your child's personal doctor spend enough time with your child? 1;2;4;3 Never;Sometimes;Always;usually Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-03-29 10:22:22.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children 16
C59340 Special therapy due health condition endure 12 month indicate code SpThrDuHlthCndEnd12MoIndCode Code indicating whether the subject/participant needs or receives special therapy such as physical, occupational, or speech therapy due to a health condition that has endured or is expected to endure for at least 12 months Code indicating whether the subject/participant needs or receives special therapy such as physical, occupational, or speech therapy due to a health condition that has endured or is expected to endure for at least 12 months Is this a condition that has lasted or is expected to last for at least 12 months? 1;2;1;2 Yes;No;Yes;No Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-04-01 12:38:12.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children CC36
C59266 Child need urgent care last 6 month indicate code ChldNeedUrgtCareLst6MoIndCode Code indicating whether the child needed urgent care in the last 6 months. Code indicating whether the child needed urgent care in the last 6 months. In the last 6 months, did your child have an illness, injury, or condition that needed care right away in a clinic, emergency room, or doctor's office? 1;2;1;2 Yes;No;Yes;No Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-03-28 11:52:32.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children 3
C59319 Easy obtain care child health plan last 6 month frequency scale EsyObtCrChHlthPlnLst6MoFrqScl Scale of the frequency in the last 6 months that it was easy to obtain care for the child through his or her health plan Scale of the frequency in the last 6 months that it was easy to obtain care for the child through his or her health plan In the last 6 months, how often was it easy to get the care, tests, or treatment you thought your child needed through his or her health plan? 1;2;4;3 Never;Sometimes;Always;usually Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-03-28 15:16:41.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children 24
C59277 Child health care provider contact school daycare last 6 month indicate code ChdHCPvdCntSchDycLst6MoIndCode Code indicating whether the child's health care providers contacted school or daycare about the child's health or care in the last 6 months. Code indicating whether the child's health care providers contacted school or daycare about the child's health or care in the last 6 months. In the last 6 months, did you need your child's doctors or other health providers to contact a school or daycare center about your child's health or health care? 1;2;1;2 Yes;No;Yes;No Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-03-28 15:44:38.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children CC6
C59294 Child more one kind health care provider service last 6 month indicate code ChlMr1KdHthCrPvSvLst6MoIndCode Code indicating whether child received care from more than one health care provider or service in the last 6 months. Code indicating whether child received care from more than one health care provider or service in the last 6 months. In the last 6 months, did your child get care from more than one kind of health care provider or use more than one kind of health care service? 1;2;1;2 Yes;No;Yes;No Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-03-29 09:53:45.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children CC17
C59330 Prescription medication health condition indicate code PrscrpMdHlthCondIndCode Code indicating whether the subject/participant needs or uses prescription medications other than vitamins because of a health condition Code indicating whether the subject/participant needs or uses prescription medications other than vitamins because of a health condition Is this because of any medical, behavioral, or other health condition? 1;2;1;2 Yes;No;Yes;No Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-04-01 11:46:19.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children CC26
C59309 Child personal physician talk about child feel grow behave last 6 month indicate code ChPrPhTkAbChFlGrBhLs6MoIndCode Code indicating whether the child's personal physician talked in the last 6 months about how the child is feeling, growing, or behaving Code indicating whether the child's personal physician talked in the last 6 months about how the child is feeling, growing, or behaving In the last 6 months, did your child's personal doctor talk with you about how your child is feeling, growing, or behaving? 1;2;1;2 Yes;No;Yes;No Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-04-01 09:24:49.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children 17
C59341 Problem emotion behavior development indicate code PrbEmBhvDevIndCode Code indicating whether the subject/participant has emotional, developmental, or behavioral problems for which he or she needs or receives treatment Code indicating whether the subject/participant has emotional, developmental, or behavioral problems for which he or she needs or receives treatment Does your child have any kind of emotional, developmental, or behavioral problem for which he or she needs or gets treatment or counseling? 1;2;1;2 Yes;No;Yes;No Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-04-01 12:45:35.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children CC37
C59267 Child receive timely urgent care last 6 month reliability scale ChdRcvTmlyUrgtCrLst6MoRelScl Scale of how reliably the child received timely urgent care in the last 6 months. Scale of how reliably the child received timely urgent care in the last 6 months. In the last 6 months, when your child needed care right away, how often did your child get care as soon as you thought he or she needed? 1;2;4;3 Never;Sometimes;Always;usually Numeric Values

Collect if "Child need urgent care last 6 month indicate code" is answered 1 (Yes).

PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-03-28 11:52:32.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children 4
C59320 Use health plan customer service last 6 month indicate code UseHlthPlnCustSvcLst6MoIndCode Code indicating whether attempts were made to use customer service at the subject/participant's health plan in the last 6 months Code indicating whether attempts were made to use customer service at the subject/participant's health plan in the last 6 months In the last 6 months, did you try to get information or help from customer service at your child's health plan? 1;2;1;2 Yes;No;Yes;No Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-04-01 10:38:36.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children 25
C59278 Child health care provider help contact school daycare last 6 month indicate code ChdHCPvHpCntSchDycLst6MoInCode Code indicating whether the child's health care providers helped contact school or daycare about the child's health or care in the last 6 months. Code indicating whether the child's health care providers helped contact school or daycare about the child's health or care in the last 6 months. In the last 6 months, did you get the help you needed from your child's doctors or other health providers in contacting your child's school or daycare? 1;2;1;2 Yes;No;Yes;No Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-03-28 15:44:38.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children CC7
C59295 Receive help coordinate different health care provider service last 6 month indicate code RcHpCordDfHlCrPvSvLs6MoIndCode Code indicating whether child's health plan, doctor's office, or clinic helped coordinate your child's care among different providers or services in the last 6 months Code indicating whether child's health plan, doctor's office, or clinic helped coordinate your child's care among different providers or services in the last 6 months In the last 6 months, did anyone from your child's health plan, doctor's office, or clinic help coordinate your child's care among these different providers or services? 1;2;1;2 Yes;No;Yes;No Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-03-29 10:03:32.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children CC18
C59331 Prescription medication health condition endure 12 month indicate code PrscrpMdHlthCondEnd12MoIndCode Code indicating whether the subject/participant needs or uses prescription medications other than vitamins because of a health condition that has endured or is expected to endure for at least 12 months Code indicating whether the subject/participant needs or uses prescription medications other than vitamins because of a health condition that has endured or is expected to endure for at least 12 months Is this a condition that has lasted or is expected to last for at least 12 months? 1;2;1;2 Yes;No;Yes;No Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-04-01 11:46:19.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children CC27
C59310 Child personal physician rating scale ChildPersPhyscnRatingScl Scale for rating the child's personal physician Scale for rating the child's personal physician Using any number from 0 to 10, where 0 is the worst personal doctor possible and 10 is the best personal doctor possible, what number would you use to rate your child's personal doctor? 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;0;10 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;Worst personal doctor possible;Best personal doctor possible Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-03-28 15:33:42.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children 18
C59342 Problem emotion behavior development endure 12 month indicate code PrbEmBhvDevEn12MoIndCode Code indicating whether the subject/participant's emotional, developmental, or behavioral problems for which he or she needs or receives treatment have endured or are expected to endure for at least 12 months Code indicating whether the subject/participant's emotional, developmental, or behavioral problems for which he or she needs or receives treatment have endured or are expected to endure for at least 12 months Has this problem lasted or is it expected to last for at least 12 months? 1;2;1;2 Yes;No;Yes;No Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-04-01 12:45:35.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children CC38
C59268 Child non-urgent medical appointment last 6 month indicate code ChldNonUrgtMdApptLst6MoIndCode Code indicating whether any non-urgent medical appointments were made for the child in the last 6 months. Code indicating whether any non-urgent medical appointments were made for the child in the last 6 months. In the last 6 months, not counting the times your child needed care right away, did you make any appointments for your child's health care at a doctor's office or clinic? 1;2;1;2 Yes;No;Yes;No Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-03-28 12:07:49.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children 5
C59321 Health plan customer service provide assistance needed last 6 month frequency scale HthPlnCusSvcPrAsNeLst6MoFrqScl Scale of the frequency in the last 6 months that the subject/participant's health plan's customer service provided the assistance needed Scale of the frequency in the last 6 months that the subject/participant's health plan's customer service provided the assistance needed In the last 6 months, how often did customer service at your child's health plan give you the information or help you needed? 1;2;4;3 Never;Sometimes;Always;usually Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-04-01 10:42:23.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children 26
C59285 Obtain attempt specialized medical equipment child last 6 month indicate code ObAtSpMdEqChLst6MoIndCode Code indicating whether specialized medical equipment or devices were obtained or attempted to be obtained for the child in the last 6 months. Code indicating whether specialized medical equipment or devices were obtained or attempted to be obtained for the child in the last 6 months. Special medical equipment or devices include a walker, wheelchair, nebulizer, feeding tubes, or oxygen equipment. In the last 6 months, did you get or try to get any special medical equipment or devices for your child? 1;2;1;2 Yes;No;Yes;No Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-03-29 09:15:44.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children CC8
C59296 Child have personal physician indicate code ChldHvPrsnlPhyscnIndCode Code indicating whether the child has a personal physician Code indicating whether the child has a personal physician A personal doctor is the one your child would see if he or she needs a check-up or gets sick or hurt. Does your child have a personal doctor? 1;2;1;2 Yes;No;Yes;No Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-03-29 10:08:55.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children 9
C59332 Health eductional service above average peer need indicate code HthEdSvcAbvAvgPrNdIndCode Code indicating whether the subject/participant has need of health or eductional services above the average need for his or her peers Code indicating whether the subject/participant has need of health or eductional services above the average need for his or her peers Does your child need or use more medical care, more mental health services, or more educational services than is usual for most children of the same age? 1;2;1;2 Yes;No;Yes;No Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-04-01 11:54:17.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children CC28
C59311 Child medical behavioral other health condition persist 3 month indicate code ChMdBhOtHtCnPs3MoIndCode Code indicating whether the child has any medical, behavioral, or other health conditions that have persisted for 3 months or longer Code indicating whether the child has any medical, behavioral, or other health conditions that have persisted for 3 months or longer Does your child have any medical, behavioral, or other health conditions that have lasted for more than 3 months? 1;2;1;2 Yes;No;Yes;No Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-04-01 09:49:52.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children CC19
C59343 Age below 1 year code AgeBelow1YearCode Code indicating that the subject/participant's age is less than 1 year Code indicating that the subject/participant's age is less than 1 year What is your child's age? 1 Less than 1 year old Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-04-01 12:57:55.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children 32
C59269 Child receive timely non-urgent care last 6 month reliability scale ChdRcvTmlyNoUrgtCrLst6MoRelScl Scale of how reliably the child received timely non-urgent care in the last 6 months. Scale of how reliably the child received timely non-urgent care in the last 6 months. In the last 6 months, not counting the times your child needed care right away, how often did you get an appointment for health care at a doctor's office or clinic as soon as you thought your child needed? 1;2;3 Never;Sometimes;usually Numeric Values

Collect if "Child non-urgent medical appointment last 6 month indicate code" is answered 1 (Yes).

PhenX Protocol: Quality of Care - Children (#820102) Pediatric Proposed 1.00 2019-03-28 11:52:32.0 PhenX Toolkit: Quality of Care - Children Additional Proposed Instruments Phen-X

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Quality of Care - Children 6
79 results.