CDE Detailed Report
Sub-Domain: Additional Proposed Instruments

60 results.
CDE ID CDE Name Variable Name Definition Short Description Additional Notes (Question Text) Permissible Values Description Data Type Disease Specific Instructions Disease Specific Reference Population Classification (e.g., Core) Version Number Version Date CRF Name (CRF Module / Guideline) Sub Domain Name Domain Name Size Input Restrictions Min Value Max Value Measurement Type Source Form Set Form Field Domain CDASH Variable CDASH Definition CDASH Label Controlled Terminology Prompt Essentiality Question Text CDASH imp guidance SDTM IG target csDSR PhenX Data Type CRF Completion Inst SDTMIG Target Var SDTMIG Target Map Codelist Name PVs Pre Pop Value Query Display List Style
C59444 Enjoy thing much as ever past week frequency scale EnjyThngMchAsEvrPstWkFrqScl Scale of the frequency over the past week that the subject/participant enjoyed things as much as ever Scale of the frequency over the past week that the subject/participant enjoyed things as much as ever In the past week, how often did you enjoy things as much as ever? 1;2;3;4;5;1;2;3;4;5 All of the time;Most of the time;Some of the time;A little of the time;None of the time;All of the time;Most of the time;Some of the time;A little of the time;None of the time Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) - Adults (#820701) Adult Proposed 1.00 2019-04-04 12:48:29.0 PhenX Toolkit: Functionality After Stroke Additional Proposed Instruments cookie-policy

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Functionality after Stroke 3f
C59455 Difficult cut food knife fork past 2 week scale DifCutFdKnfFrkPst2WkScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant had over the past 2 weeks cutting his or her food with a knife and fork Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant had over the past 2 weeks cutting his or her food with a knife and fork In the past 2 weeks, how difficult was it to cut your food with a knife and fork? 2;3;4;5;1 Very difficult;Somewhat difficult;A little difficult;Not difficult at all;Could not do at all Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) - Adults (#820701) Adult Proposed 1.00 2019-04-04 15:25:21.0 PhenX Toolkit: Functionality After Stroke Additional Proposed Instruments cookie-policy

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Functionality after Stroke 5a
C59488 Stroke recovery 0 100 scale StrokRecovry0100Scl Scale from 0 to 100 of the subject/participant's self-reported recovery from his or her stroke Scale from 0 to 100 of the subject/participant's self-reported recovery from his or her stroke On a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 representing full recovery and 0 representing no recovery, how much have you recovered from your stroke? Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) - Adults (#820701) Adult Proposed 1.00 2019-04-05 13:05:27.0 PhenX Toolkit: Functionality After Stroke Additional Proposed Instruments cookie-policy

Free-Form Entry

0 100 PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Functionality after Stroke 9
C59467 Difficult continue stand without lose balance past 2 week scale DifCnStndWoLoseBalPst2WkScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant had over the past 2 weeks to continue standing without losing his or her balance Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant had over the past 2 weeks to continue standing without losing his or her balance In the past 2 weeks, how difficult was it to stay standing without losing your balance? 2;3;4;5;1 Very difficult;Somewhat difficult;A little difficult;Not difficult at all;Could not do at all Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) - Adults (#820701) Adult Proposed 1.00 2019-04-04 15:25:21.0 PhenX Toolkit: Functionality After Stroke Additional Proposed Instruments cookie-policy

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Functionality after Stroke 6b
C59432 Difficult remember do things past week scale DifRemDoThgPstWkScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has had in the past week remembering to do things (e.g., keep a scheduled appointment or take medication) Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has had in the past week remembering to do things (e.g., keep a scheduled appointment or take medication) In the past week, how difficult was it for you to remember to do
things (e.g., keep scheduled appointments or take medication)?
1;2;3;4;5 Extremely difficult;Very difficult;Somewhat difficult;A little difficult;Not difficult at all Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) - Adults (#820701) Adult Proposed 1.00 2019-04-04 12:24:55.0 PhenX Toolkit: Functionality After Stroke Additional Proposed Instruments cookie-policy

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Functionality after Stroke 2c
C59478 Difficult use hand most affect stroke tie shoelace past 2 week scale DfUsHdMsAfStTiShlcPs2WkScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant had over the past 2 weeks using his or her hand that was most affected by the stroke to tie a shoelace Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant had over the past 2 weeks using his or her hand that was most affected by the stroke to tie a shoelace In the past 2 weeks, how difficult was it to use your hand that was most affected by your stroke to tie a shoe lace? 2;3;4;5;1 Very difficult;Somewhat difficult;A little difficult;Not difficult at all;Could not do at all Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) - Adults (#820701) Adult Proposed 1.00 2019-04-04 15:25:21.0 PhenX Toolkit: Functionality After Stroke Additional Proposed Instruments cookie-policy

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Functionality after Stroke 7d
C59445 Feel quite nervous past week frequency scale FlQuiteNrvousPstWkFrqScl Scale of the frequency over the past week that the subject/participant felt quite nervous Scale of the frequency over the past week that the subject/participant felt quite nervous In the past week, how often did you feel quite nervous? 1;2;3;4;5;1;2;3;4;5 All of the time;Most of the time;Some of the time;A little of the time;None of the time;All of the time;Most of the time;Some of the time;A little of the time;None of the time Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) - Adults (#820701) Adult Proposed 1.00 2019-04-04 12:48:29.0 PhenX Toolkit: Functionality After Stroke Additional Proposed Instruments cookie-policy

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Functionality after Stroke 3g
C59456 Difficult dress upper body past 2 week scale DifDrsUprBodyPst2WkScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant had over the past 2 weeks dressing his or her upper body Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant had over the past 2 weeks dressing his or her upper body In the past 2 weeks, how difficult was it to dress the top part of your body? 2;3;4;5;1 Very difficult;Somewhat difficult;A little difficult;Not difficult at all;Could not do at all Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) - Adults (#820701) Adult Proposed 1.00 2019-04-04 15:25:21.0 PhenX Toolkit: Functionality After Stroke Additional Proposed Instruments cookie-policy

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Functionality after Stroke 5b
C59468 Difficult walk without lose balance past 2 week scale DifWalkWoLoseBalPst2WkScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant had over the past 2 weeks to walk without losing his or her balance Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant had over the past 2 weeks to walk without losing his or her balance In the past 2 weeks, how difficult was it to walk without losing your balance? 2;3;4;5;1 Very difficult;Somewhat difficult;A little difficult;Not difficult at all;Could not do at all Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) - Adults (#820701) Adult Proposed 1.00 2019-04-04 15:25:21.0 PhenX Toolkit: Functionality After Stroke Additional Proposed Instruments cookie-policy

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Functionality after Stroke 6c
C59433 Difficult remember day of week past week scale DifRemDayOfWkPstWkScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has had in the past week remembering the day of the week Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has had in the past week remembering the day of the week In the past week, how difficult was it for you to remember the day of the week? 1;2;3;4;5 Extremely difficult;Very difficult;Somewhat difficult;A little difficult;Not difficult at all Numeric Values PhenX Protocol: Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) - Adults (#820701) Adult Proposed 1.00 2019-04-04 12:24:55.0 PhenX Toolkit: Functionality After Stroke Additional Proposed Instruments cookie-policy

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PhenX Neurology, Quality of Life, and Health Services Specialty Collection Functionality after Stroke 2d
60 results.