CDE Detailed Report
Sub-Domain: general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Displaying 101 - 150 of 165
CDE ID CDE Name Variable Name Definition Short Description Additional Notes (Question Text) Permissible Values Description Data Type Disease Specific Instructions Disease Specific Reference Population Classification (e.g., Core) Version Number Version Date CRF Name (CRF Module / Guideline) Sub Domain Name Domain Name Size Input Restrictions Min Value Max Value Measurement Type Source Form Set Form Field Domain CDASH Variable CDASH Definition CDASH Label Controlled Terminology Prompt Essentiality Question Text CDASH imp guidance SDTM IG target csDSR PhenX Data Type CRF Completion Inst SDTMIG Target Var SDTMIG Target Map Codelist Name PVs Pre Pop Value Query Display List Style
C59805 Walk across balance beam difficulty scale WlkAcrsBlncBeamDffcltyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in walking across a balance beam Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in walking across a balance beam Are you able to walk across a balance beam? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 11:32:56.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFM33
C59816 Swim lap moderate pace 30 minute difficulty scale SwmLapModPac30MinDffcltyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in swimming laps at a moderate pace for 30 minutes Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in swimming laps at a moderate pace for 30 minutes Are you able to swim laps for 30 minutes at a moderate pace? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 12:01:08.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFM51
C59752 Change lightbulb overhead difficulty scale ChngLtblbOvrhdDffcltyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in changing a lightbulb above his or her head Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in changing a lightbulb above his or her head Are you able to change a lightbulb overhead? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-20 11:50:39.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFB34
C59688 Carry heavy object difficulty scale CarryHeavyObjectDifficultyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in carrying an object over 10 pounds/5 kilograms Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in carrying an object over 10 pounds/5 kilograms Are you able to carry a heavy object (over 10 pounds/5 kg)? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-19 12:58:03.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFA14r1
C59784 Lift heavy picture hang wall above eye level difficulty scale LftHvyPcrHngWalAbvEyeLvlDffScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in lifting a heavy painting or picture to hang on the wall above eye level Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in lifting a heavy painting or picture to hang on the wall above eye level Are you able to lift a heavy painting or picture to hang on your wall above eye-level? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 10:37:20.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFM2
C59720 Sit edge bed difficulty scale SitEdgeBedDifficultyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in sitting on the edge of a bed Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in sitting on the edge of a bed Are you able to sit on the edge of a bed? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-20 10:23:22.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFA51
C59731 Carry shopping bag briefcase difficulty scale CarryShopBagBrfcsDifficultyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in carrying a shopping bag or briefcase Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in carrying a shopping bag or briefcase Are you able to carry a shopping bag or briefcase? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-20 11:00:52.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFB13
C59827 Hike 3 kilometer uneven ground health limit scale Hik3KmUnevnGrndHlthLmtScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant's health limits his or her ability to hike 3 kilometers over uneven ground, including hills Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant's health limits his or her ability to hike 3 kilometers over uneven ground, including hills Does your health now limit you in hiking a couple of miles (3 km) on uneven surfaces, including hills? 5;4;3;2;1 Not at all;Very little;Somewhat;Quite a lot;Cannot do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 13:18:50.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFB5r1
C59763 Run level surface difficulty scale RunLvlSrfacDifficultyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in running on a level surface Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in running on a level surface Are you able to run on even ground? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-20 12:21:26.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFC21
C59699 Pull heavy object toward self difficulty scale PulHvyObjTrdSlfDffcltyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in pulling a heavy object (10 pounds/5 kilograms) towards him or herself Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in pulling a heavy object (10 pounds/5 kilograms) towards him or herself Are you able to pull heavy objects (10 pounds/5 kilograms) towards yourself? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-19 13:52:37.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFA29r1
C59795 Continuous swing baseball bat tennis racket 5 minute difficulty scale CntSwgBblBatTnsRck5MinDiffScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in swinging a baseball bat or tennis racket continuously for 5 minutes Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in swinging a baseball bat or tennis racket continuously for 5 minutes Are you able to continuously swing a baseball bat or tennis racket back and forth for 5 minutes? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 11:05:49.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFM18
C59806 Balance 1 foot eye closed 30 second difficulty scale Blnc1FtEyCls30SecDffcltyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in balancing on 1 foot with his or her eyes closed for 30 seconds Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in balancing on 1 foot with his or her eyes closed for 30 seconds Are you able to stand on one foot with your eyes closed for 30 seconds? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 11:34:52.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFM34
C59742 Run short distance difficulty scale RunShortDistDifficultyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in running a short distance Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in running a short distance Are you able to run a short distance, such as to catch a bus? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-20 11:27:39.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFB24
C59838 Do yard work health limit scale DoYardWorkHlthLmtScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant's health limits his or her ability to do yard work Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant's health limits his or her ability to do yard work Does your health now limit you in doing yard work like raking leaves, weeding, or pushing a lawn mower? 5;4;3;2;1 Not at all;Very little;Somewhat;Quite a lot;Cannot do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 13:48:03.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFC11
C59843 Get in out bathtub health limit scale GetInOutBathtubHlthLmtScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant's health limits his or her ability to get in and out of the bathtub Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant's health limits his or her ability to get in and out of the bathtub Does your health now limit you in getting in and out of the bathtub? 5;4;3;2;1 Not at all;Very little;Somewhat;Quite a lot;Cannot do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 13:59:30.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFC54
C59774 Use hands difficulty scale UseHandsDifficultyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in using his or her hands for tasks such as turning faucets, using kitchen gadgets, or sewing Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in using his or her hands for tasks such as turning faucets, using kitchen gadgets, or sewing Are you able to do use your hands, such as for turning faucets, using kitchen gadgets, or sewing? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 10:11:57.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFC43
C59710 Turn key in lock difficulty scale TurnKeyInLockDifficultyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in turning a key in a lock Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in turning a key in a lock Are you able to turn a key in a lock? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-20 10:02:21.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFA40
C59817 Dance energetic 1 hour difficulty scale DnceEnrgetc1HrDifficultyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in dancing energetically for 1 hour Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in dancing energetically for 1 hour Are you able to dance energetically for an hour? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 12:03:48.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFM53
C59753 Don pullover sweater difficulty scale DonPllovrSwtrDffcltyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in donning a pullover sweater Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in donning a pullover sweater Are you able to put on a pullover sweater? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-20 11:54:08.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFB36
C59689 Stand up armless straight chair difficulty scale StndUpArmlsStrtChrDiffScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in standing up from an armless straight chair Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in standing up from an armless straight chair Are you able to stand up from an armless straight chair? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-19 13:28:47.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFA15
C59785 Paint wall brush roller 2 hour no rest difficulty scale PntWalBshRlr2HrNoRstDffScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in painting walls using a brush or roller for 2 hours without stopping to rest Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in painting walls using a brush or roller for 2 hours without stopping to rest Are you able to paint the walls of a room with a brush or roller for 2 hours without stopping to rest? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 10:40:14.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFM3
C59721 Tie shoelace difficulty scale TieShoelaceDifficultyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in tying his or her shoelaces Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in tying his or her shoelaces Are you able to tie your shoelaces? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-20 10:25:27.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFA52
C59732 Take tub bath difficulty scale TakTubBathDifficultyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in taking a bath in a bathtub Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in taking a bath in a bathtub Are you able to take a tub bath? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-20 11:03:01.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFB14
C59828 Strenuous activity health limit scale StrnsActvtyHlthLmtScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant's health limits his or her ability to engage in strenuous activity such as backpacking, skiing, playing tennis, bicycling, or jogging Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant's health limits his or her ability to engage in strenuous activity such as backpacking, skiing, playing tennis, bicycling, or jogging Does your health now limit you in doing strenuous activities such as backpacking, skiing, playing tennis, bicycling or jogging? 5;4;3;2;1 Not at all;Very little;Somewhat;Quite a lot;Cannot do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 13:21:24.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFB7
C59764 Ascend descend 2 step difficulty scale AscDesc2StepDifficultyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in ascending and descending two steps Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in ascending and descending two steps Are you able to walk up and down two steps? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-20 12:28:30.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFC29
C59700 Step on off curb difficulty scale StepOnOffCurbDifficultyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in stepping on and off roadside curbs Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in stepping on and off roadside curbs Are you able to step up and down curbs? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-19 13:55:41.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFA30
C59796 Complete 10 sit-up without stop difficulty scale Cmplt10SitUpWoStpDffcltyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in completing 10 sit-ups without stopping Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in completing 10 sit-ups without stopping Are you able to complete 10 sit-ups without stopping? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 11:09:23.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFM19
C59807 Walk straight line heel toe 5 yard 5 meter difficulty scale WlkStrtLnHlToe5Yd5MDffScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in walking in a straight line putting heel to toe for a distance of 5 yards / 5 meters Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in walking in a straight line putting heel to toe for a distance of 5 yards / 5 meters Are you able to walk in a straight line putting one foot in front of the other (heel to toe) for 5 yards (5 m)? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 11:36:53.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFM35
C59743 Push open door after turn knob difficulty scale PshOpnDorAftrTrnKnbDffcltyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in pushing open a door after turning the doorknob Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in pushing open a door after turning the doorknob Are you able to push open a door after turning the knob? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-20 11:29:48.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFB25
C59839 Do 2 hour physical labor health limit scale Do2HrPhysLabrHlthLmtScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant's health limits his or her ability to perform 2 hours of physical labor Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant's health limits his or her ability to perform 2 hours of physical labor Does your health now limit you in doing two hours of physical labor? 5;4;3;2;1 Not at all;Very little;Somewhat;Quite a lot;Cannot do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 13:49:48.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFC12
C59844 Walk around house health limit scale WalkAroundHouseHlthLmtScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant's health limits his or her ability to walk around the house Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant's health limits his or her ability to walk around the house Does your health now limit you in walking about the house? 5;4;3;2;1 Not at all;Very little;Somewhat;Quite a lot;Cannot do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 14:01:26.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFC56
C59775 Sit rise toilet difficulty scale SitRiseToiletDifficultyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in sitting on and rising from the toilet Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in sitting on and rising from the toilet Are you able to sit on and get up from the toilet? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 10:15:13.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFC45r1
C59711 Squat stand difficulty scale SquatStandDifficultyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in squatting and then standing Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in squatting and then standing Are you able to squat and get up? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-20 10:04:22.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFA41
C59818 Vigorous activity health limit scale VgrsActvtyHlthLmtScl Scale of whether the subject/participant's health limits him or her in performing vigorous activities Scale of whether the subject/participant's health limits him or her in performing vigorous activities Does your health now limit you in doing vigorous activities, such as running, lifting heavy objects, participating in strenuous sports? 5;4;3;2;1 Not at all;Very little;Somewhat;Quite a lot;Cannot do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 12:24:05.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFA1
C59754 Turn faucet on off difficulty scale TurnFauctOnOffDifficultyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in turning a faucet on and off Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in turning a faucet on and off Are you able to turn faucets on and off? 4;3;2;1;1 Without any difficulty;With a little difficulty;With some difficulty;With much difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-20 11:56:53.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFB37r1
C59690 Dress self difficulty scale DressSelfDifficultyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in dressing him or herself, including buttoning clothes and tying shoelaces Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in dressing him or herself, including buttoning clothes and tying shoelaces Are you able to dress yourself, including tying shoelaces and buttoning your clothes? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-19 13:31:07.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFA16r1
C59786 Row boat 30 minute no rest difficulty scale RowBot30MinNoRstDffcltyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in rowing a boat for 30 minutes without rest Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in rowing a boat for 30 minutes without rest Are you able to row a boat for 30 minutes without stopping to rest? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 10:42:40.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFM4
C59722 Run errand shop difficulty scale RunErrandShopDifficultyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in running errands and shopping Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in running errands and shopping Are you able to run errands and shop? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-20 10:27:28.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFA53
C59733 Change bulb table lamp difficulty scale ChangeBulbTablLampDffcltyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in changing the lightbulb in a table lamp Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in changing the lightbulb in a table lamp Are you able to change the bulb in a table lamp? 1;1;1;2;3 Unable to Do;With much difficulty;With some difficulty;With a little difficulty;Without any difficulty Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-20 11:05:30.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFB15r1
C59829 Take care personal need health limit scale TakCarPrsnlNedHlthLmtScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant's health limits his or her ability to take care of his or her personal needs, such as grooming or eating Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant's health limits his or her ability to take care of his or her personal needs, such as grooming or eating Does your health now limit you in taking care of your personal needs (dress, comb hair, toilet, eat, bathe)? 5;4;3;2;1 Not at all;Very little;Somewhat;Quite a lot;Cannot do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 13:24:02.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFB43
C59765 Carry suitcase up stair difficulty scale CrryStcasUpStrDffcltyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in carrying a suitcase up a flight of stairs Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in carrying a suitcase up a flight of stairs Are you able to carry a suitcase up a flight of stairs? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-20 12:30:49.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank Physical Function PFC30
C59701 Get up floor supine position difficulty scale GetUpFlrSupinPstnDiffScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in getting up from a supine position on the floor, without help Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in getting up from a supine position on the floor, without help Are you able to get up from the floor from lying on your back without help? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-19 13:58:23.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFA31r1
C59797 Climb stair 10 story building no stop difficulty scale ClmStr10StyBldNoStpDffcltyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in climbing the stairs of a 10 story building without stopping Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in climbing the stairs of a 10 story building without stopping Are you able to climb the stairs of a 10-story building without stopping? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 11:11:50.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFM21
C59808 Place hand flat with feet flat difficulty scale PlcHndFltWFtFltDifficultyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in placing his or her hands flat on the ground while keeping both feet flat on the ground Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in placing his or her hands flat on the ground while keeping both feet flat on the ground Are you able to put your hands flat on the floor with both feet flat on the ground? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 11:39:40.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFM36
C59744 Shampoo hair difficulty scale ShampooHairDifficultyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in shampooing his or her hair Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in shampooing his or her hair Are you able to shampoo your hair? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-20 11:32:12.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFB26
C59840 Do 8 hour physical labor health limit scale Do8HrPhysLabrHlthLmtScl Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant's health limits his or her ability to perform 8 hours of physical labor Scale of the degree to which the subject/participant's health limits his or her ability to perform 8 hours of physical labor Does your health now limit you in doing eight hours of physical labor? 5;4;3;2;1 Not at all;Very little;Somewhat;Quite a lot;Cannot do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 13:49:48.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFC35
C59845 Difficulty do daily physical activity because health scale DffcltyDoDlyPhysActBcHlthScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has doing his or her daily physical activities because of his or her health Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has doing his or her daily physical activities because of his or her health How much difficulty do you have doing your daily physical activities, because of your health? 3;2;1;4;5 Some Difficulty;A Lot of Difficulty;Cannot do because of health;A little bit of difficulty;No difficulty at all Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 14:05:35.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFB50
C59776 Transfer bed chair difficulty scale TrnsfrBedChrDifficultyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in transferring from a bed to a chair and back Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in transferring from a bed to a chair and back Are you able to transfer from a bed to a chair and back? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-21 10:17:10.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFC46
C59712 Carry laundry basket up stairs difficulty scale CrryLndryBsktUpStrsDiffcltyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in carrying a laundry basket up a flight of stairs Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in carrying a laundry basket up a flight of stairs Are you able to carry a laundry basket up a flight of stairs? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-20 10:06:21.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFA42
C59723 Button shirt difficulty scale ButtonShirtDifficultyScl Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in buttoning his or her shirt Scale of the difficulty the subject/participant has in buttoning his or her shirt Are you able to button your shirt? 5;4;3;2;1 Without any Difficulty;With a Little Difficulty;With Some Difficulty;With Much Difficulty;Unable to Do Numeric Values Adult;Pediatric Supplemental 1.00 2019-06-20 10:29:10.0 PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 - Physical Function general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

PROMIS PROMIS Item Bank v2.0 Physical Function PFA54
Displaying 101 - 150 of 165